Virtual media centre

Media registration

Media registration is free for qualified individuals who are attending IAS 2021 in their capacity as journalists and/or community educators. 

Media eligibility guidelines

Please note that we cannot accept applications for media credentials from representatives of media outlets that are not directly involved in journalism.

Journalists, photographers, videographers and community educators who are either employees of or on assignment for a recognized print, radio, broadcast or online consumer, medical, community-based or AIDS service organization-sponsored media outlet are eligible to apply for complimentary media registration. Please note that for the purpose of media accreditation, the term “community educator” refers to anyone doing journalism for AIDS service organizations (ASOs) or other community-based media outlets.

Communications support professionals attached to a recognized HIV research, advocacy or policy organization, and whose work is directly related to supporting media coverage of presentations at IAS 2021, are not considered media and must register as a regular delegate. Media accreditation for this category is not guaranteed, but is granted on a case-by-case basis.

Embargo breaks by media

Journalists who receive embargoed information related to studies to be presented at IAS 2021 agree not to publish that information prior to the lifting of the conference media embargo regardless of the source of format of the information (slides, press release, abstract, interview). Violation of the embargo policy by a reporter will lead to one or more of the following measures:

  • Suspension of the reporter’s media conference credentials
  • Barring of the reporter from the meeting
  • Removal of the reporter’s name from the IAS media distribution list for two years
  • Refusal of media credentials for upcoming IAS conferences.

Please direct any questions or concerns about the conference media embargo policy to the IAS 2021 Media team at [email protected].

Contact the Media team

If you have questions, please contact [email protected]

Media partners

HIV & More
The Lancet HIV